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How the Eye and Brain Work When Reading

While every chronic illness comes with its own unique symptoms, many warriors may experience cerebral issues from time to time, such equally problems with retentiveness, focus and determination-making – commonly referred to as "brain fog." When you're "in the fog," information technology tin be a scrap like trying to recollect through wet cement. Trying to concentrate and get whatsoever scrap of information to stick in your brain may feel next to impossible some days.

So if you've tried to read – whether it'southward for school, work or pleasure – while dealing with brain fog, yous know how hard of a task information technology tin be. Non only comprehending the text, only remembering it? It'due south like you may as well be reading in a foreign language, right?

Sometimes though, reading is a necessity, and you have to detect creative ways of doing information technology to succeed at your job or in your course for school. Other times, peradventure reading isn't technically "required," but it's nonetheless something you lot love, and want to continue to do (in any way, shape or course possible) for your emotional health – considering that's just who you lot are.

Either way, nosotros wanted to help those who struggle with this, so nosotros asked our Mighty community to share their advice for reading on days when they're struggling with encephalon fog. Permit us know how y'all cope with this claiming in the comments below!

Here's what our community shared with us:

1. Listen to an audiobook, or apply a text-to-oral communication feature.

audible logo

" Audiobooks. I observe them relaxing. Many Kindle books and even mobile devices have a text-to-voice communication feature that is made specifically for accessibility, but of grade, it's useful for anyone who needs such things. I use information technology during brain fog. It'due south how I read for my college courses." – Antaris G.

" Audiobooks. Audible is a not bad app! I also downloaded a dictation for when my fog and eyes are bad." – Bailey S.

" I use Amazon's Whispersync feature. I can go dorsum and along between audio and text and not lose my spot. When I realize I've spaced out while listening it's unproblematic to pull upwards the text, reread what I missed and start the audio dorsum from where I was." – Candess Chiliad.

" I employ books on CD and follow along with the actual book." – Acadia M.One thousand.

Subscribe to Audible for $14.95/month (following a thirty-day gratis trial period) on Amazon.

ii. Reduce sensory stimulation.

noise cancelling earplugs

" Ear plugs and sunglasses. Reduce the senses and information technology helps your brain narrow its focus." – Samantha B.Fifty.

Purchase the earplugs higher up for $11.95 from Amazon.

3. Have notes, highlight and underline key passages.

post-its and highlighters

" Post-information technology notes! I write down central things on each page every bit a reminder of what I was reading. That style if I forget, I tin can go dorsum to the page and look at the Post-it instead of having to reread the whole thing. Learned this in loftier schoolhouse fashion earlier my brain fog and I'one thousand so glad I learned information technology! So helpful." – Lolo Yard.

" When I finished my last two grad school classes subsequently my brain surgery, I wrote downwards everything I read. It fabricated my hand so tired, but it really helped me process what I was reading." – Megan M.

"The Livescribe pen has been incredible. I can read the volume out loud while taking notes, later I can tap on whatsoever office of the notes and hear what I was saying. Would recommend over and over again." – Kathryn B.

" When I was withal in college I would write a summary of the folio or sometimes even just a paragraph. Writing helped me call up but information technology besides gave me something to wait back on when I wasn't sure what I had just read." – Susan D.

" I highlight my textbooks. Not every judgement but if it looks familiar (like from lecture) I highlight information technology. I use an array of colors too and go in a design, usually rainbow. If I'thousand out of highlighters I underline at least. It helps reiterate what I *hopefully* learned in class through lecture and/or the PowerPoint slides and helps me focus more on the words if they aren't just black and white." – Ansley D.G.

Buy the Post-its above (xviii pads) for $7.98 and the highlighters above (12-count) for $4.97 from Amazon.

four. Wear tinted glasses to reduce eye strain.

amber-tinted gunnar glasses

" Amber-tinted gaming glasses, like Gunnars (the expensive brand) or Gamma Rays (cheaper, on Amazon). I'thousand not sure how this works, science-wise, but bister-tinted glasses can both increase and decrease contrast, based on the state of affairs. By decrease, I mean when I'm looking at a bright white paper with black impress, the white will 'glow,' casting glare across the black print, making it hard to read. Amber-tinted glasses at-home downwardly the glare from vivid white paper. But amber as well increases color dissimilarity, reduces sun glare, blocks bluish light, all sorts of stuff that ends in less eye strain." – Jaque V.

Buy the amber-tinted spectacles above for $59.99 from Gunnar.

five. Take breaks.

yoga mat and water bottle

" Take lots of breaks (pace yourself) to go on from getting a headache/migraine." – Mackenzie P.

" Breaks as a general rule. Lots of them. I'm studying for the ASWB [Association of Social Piece of work Board] exam soon… Information technology's hard. But I manage with breaks and highlighters." – Alexandria B.A.

" Walk away and do a physical task – pour yourself a drink, nip to the loo – it resets my brain and I tin can kickoff again." – Hannah N.R.

Purchase the yoga mat above for $29.99 and the h2o bottle above for $9.99 from Amazon.

half dozen. If you're reading for fun, choose something that's easy to encompass.

hyperbole and a half, and calvin and hobbes

" For those wanting to read for enjoyment but accept a tough time reading novels… I have one proffer: comics or manga. They are so much easier to comprehend and stay focused on. One app I utilize a lot to read on is Webtoons. Information technology has free comics made by regular, fun people. As well, Audible is enjoyable!" – Alexandria B.A.

Buy "Hyperbole and a Half" for $11.38 and "The Essential Calvin and Hobbes" for $12.91 from Amazon.

7. Read on a device then yous can conform the brightness and other settings.

amazon kindle

" I detect reading on screen easier as I can arrange the brightness and the size of the letters. Plus my electronics are close to me no thing what." – Nairmi R.

" The Kindle has been helpful. I tin can highlight names and places that have slipped my mind to become a reminder." – Beth H.

" When reading from a screen, OpenDyslexic font, dark/blackness screen and white font have helped with reading for both brain fog and my dyslexia." – Terri L.

" If you are reading on a screen, put a parchment groundwork on and turn the brightness right downwards." – Diane H.

Buy the Kindle above for $79.99 from Amazon.
